Your Voice Matters
The National Organization To Empower Songwriters (NOTES) program brings together music creators in order to empower them to make their voices heard in Washington and beyond.
Songwriters face many challenges. Today, two-thirds of their income is regulated by the federal government while streaming services and big tech companies are actively fighting to lower what little they currently pay.
The program sends a unified message from songwriters on hugely important issues that affect their compensation.
The program includes all songwriters and has a special Gold & Platinum (G&P) Club for those writers who have been certified Gold, Platinum and Multi-Platinum. Members of the G&P Club will have opportunities to meet directly with decision makers.
Through being a part of NOTES, you will receive educational information including videos, infographics and news about how battles in Washington affect you and how you can get involved in advocacy.
Your voice will be critical towards campaigning for higher rates and more fairness. The more songwriters, lyricists and composers are involved, the more united and powerful your voices will be.
This is an organization designed to serve the creative community by bringing creators together to maximize their influence and move the needle.